Welcome to Five Acres Community Garden

Our official website to showcase our journey and the services we provide


Working towards developing life skills for independent living and employment at Five Acres

Our Mission at Five Acres

Our mission is to provide a safe, inclusive environment to help our Champions achieve their full potential.  Our Champions are given the opportunity to develop skills for independent living and employment in a fun and exciting environment.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create the opportunities in which our champions can thrive and develop their independence and skills to assist them through their lives.














































The services Five Acres provide:

CIC Community Garden

Working towards our vision of a community garden

Cookery School

Life skills in a safe and fun environment

Garden Crew

What is growing down in the garden

Arts & Crafts

Enjoying exploring our creativity whilst having fun

What’s On

What’s in the calendar at Five Acres

Animal Care

Looking after our furred and feathered friends


Nurturing and fostering a spirit of enquiry, curiosity and creativity

Further information

Trips & Visits

Our champions enjoy regular trips and visits for fun and learning

How to refer/apply

How to apply for a place at Five Acres

Contact Us

Get in touch

Five Acres enjoys support from the local community

We are fortunate to have regular visits from local community members and organisations. The PCSO’s visited to talk to champions about the work they do. A re-enactment group discussed the military and uniforms through the ages.

We need your help

We have big plans and need your help to make them happen.

Our champions deserve the right to fulfil their potential as do all young people. 

Find out about sponsorship and fundraising here.
